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X Linked

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Q: Is bipolar disorder type autosomal or X linked?
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Is bipolar disorder found on the x-linked chromosome or y-linked?

bipolar disorder is found on the x-linked chromosome. Since female has 2 pairs of X chromosome. The effect of bad gene is compensated by other pair. Hence it carries to generations without being noticed. Also it is being liked to reproductive cycle of females. Where as male has one X and One Y chromosome. Hence a faulty X has no way to compensate. So if a male has bipolar disorder it is most likely to be of bipolar disorder of type 1 (most severe). Thought data shows males have less tendency of having bipolar disorder in percentage terms.

Is type 1 diabetes a sex linked gene?

No it is autosomal

Which type of chromosomal disorder seems to have the greatest affect on a Pearsons health and why would this be the case?

autosomal disorder

Can bipolar 2 turn into bipolar 1?

Yes. If left untreated, bipolar 2 can easily turn into bipolar 1 or possibly even rapid cycling bipolar disorder. (Second User) Yes, even with treatment (although it is much less likely in such a case) bipolar two disorder can become bipolar one disorder. This would happen when the hypomanic episodes of Bipolar 2 become more severe and harmful manic episodes. This change has been known to most often happen after somebody has had the disorder for some time. To clarify the first answer: Rapid cycling can occur in any type of bipolar disorder. It is not really its own type of bipolar disorder, rather, it is a condition that can occur with a bipolar disorder. It refers to a person who experiences four or more bipolar mood swings in a year. This can also develop over time or be a part of the disorder from the start.

Which type of inheritance involves genes found on the non-autosomal chromosomes?

These are called sex linked genes since they are on the genes that code for sex.

What type of mutation causes bipolar?

Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and usually appears between the ages of 15 and 25. The exact cause is unknown, but it occurs more often in relatives of people with bipolar disorder.

What type of genetic disorder is PKU?

PKU is described as an inherited, autosomal recessive disorder.

What are some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a psychological disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. There are two types of Bipolar Disorder, and they are Type I and Type II. The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are generally the same for both. An individual suffering from this disorder may have "manic" periods. These manic periods may be characterized by suddenly beginning projects, over-shopping, or agitation. Some people experience violent outbursts. The depressive stage (hence the other name, manic-depressive) is typically characterized by remorse, depression, crying, and sleeping. Only a licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist may make this diagnosis.

Is bipolar disorder more likely in one blood type?

Remember ur bi-winning

Is Bipolar hereditary?

The mental illness bipolar disorder is thought to be genetic (hereditary) however we don't know of a specific gene that is responsible for it. It appears that many genes must be present for bipolar disorder to manifest, likely, along with other risk factors. This has been shown in twin studies. While identical twins share 100% of their DNA, if one twin has bipolar disorder other other twin does not have bipolar disorder 100% of the time. The rate of concordance of bipolar disorder type one in identical twins is between 33-90%, according to Medscape Reference.According to Medscape Reference, first-degree relatives of a person with bipolar disorder type one have a seven times greater risk of bipolar I than the general population. Additionally, major mental illnesses all seem to travel together as offspring of a parent with bipolar disorder have a 50% chance of having another major psychiatric disorder. It's important to note that even siblings raised in different households still show an elevated risk, illustrating that bipolar disorder is not only due to a shared environment but also genetics.

Could you have been wrongly diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder type 2 instead you have high functioning autism?


What type of help does one with childhood bipolar disorder need?

To date, there is no cure for bipolar disorder. However, treatment with medications, psychotherapy, or both may help people get better. It's important for you to know that children sometimes respond differently to psychiatric medications than adults do.