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Possibly gonorrhea, not syphilis, but even gonorrhea is not top on the list of possible causes of blood in the urine. If you're having this symptom, please see your health care provider for evaluation and treatment.

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Q: Is blood in the urine associated with syphilis or is gonorrhea?
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Which sexual transmited infection causes blood in urine?

A severe urinary tract infection that has moved into the kidneys or any infection in the kidneys can cause blood in the urine. If you are seeing blood in your urine see a doctor as an infection in the kidneys can cause permanent kidney failure

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How do you you get STD?

STDs are determined via visual examination, swabs for DNA tests, urine tests, and blood tests.Blood tests, urine tests, and cultures are taken for STD testing.Some are blood test while others are urine. Some take samples from genitals with a swab.STD tests can be blood, urine, and cultures.One (or more) of the following may be used: a culture, urine sample, blood test, and visual inspection.It takes about thirty minutes. They will do a physical examination and collect bodily fluids. It is common that you are tested for HIV, Hep B, Hep C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Trichomonas and Herpes.An STI test is done to check for a sexually transmitted infection. A patient will need to avoid using the washroom for 90 minutes prior to the test. Both a urine and a blood sample will be clinic.It depends on what you're looking for. People often asked me to be tested for 'EVERYTHING.' I am not even talking about STD. They just wanted to be tested for everything, period. Obviously, you can't be tested for everything because we don't know everything and we don't have tests for everything. Even if we did, it would be prohibitively expensive to test for everything. So, like gambling, we bet for the most common one. So, common STI tests are Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV, Hepatitis, and Syphilis. These are normally done by blood tests, urine sample, or cotton swab of the genitals.The doctor will check for a STI via urine test, blood test, or culture (swab).STD tests can be done on vaginal discharge, urine, blood, penile discharge, and cerebrospinal fluid. They can be completed with DNA testing, culture, direct microscopic exam with or without staining, antibody testing, or gross visual examination.You have to go to a doctor and the doctor will kmow what tests to use.

What illness may someone have if they find blood in their urine?

There are a variety of illnesses associated with the finding of blood in the urine (hematuria). The most common is a urinary tract infection. Other possibilities include urinary obstruction, nephritis, renal cancer, and more.

What presence the pus in the urine which causes the urine to be cloudy or smoky?

Pus in the urine is called by an infection. To know which kind tests must be run. If you are sexually active, it could be gonorrhea.

What converts blood into urine?

Blood is not "converted" into urine. Urine is EXTRACTED from the blood by the two organs called the "kidneys".

What is Urea in the blood?

Urea is one of the substances in urine, and urine is in your blood stream until the kidney extract the urine from your blood.

What tool spins out blood or urine?

Blood and urine are spun on centrifuges.

Is a urine test accurate to test for chlamydia?

A normal blood test will not detect the infection. To diagnose chlamydia, you need a urine test or swab of the vagina, urethra, rectum, throat, or eye. Blood tests can look for evidence of past infection with chlamydia, but these are of no use in determining current infection and aren't used to diagnose or treat disease.

What are the symptoms of cloudy urine?

Several things can cause cloudy urine including dehydration and a bladder infection. Other possible causes include gonorrhea and kidney stones.

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