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Q: Is body pH levels a positive or negative feedback?
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What are the feedback mechanisms that regulate hormone levels in the body?

Positive and negative feedback

How are negative and positive feedback mechanisms used by organisms?

two include water levels and body temperature

Feedback is when the body reacts in the same direction as a stimulus. Negative Positive?

Feedback can be both negative and positive. Negative feedback occurs when the body's response counteracts the stimulus, helping to maintain homeostasis. Positive feedback amplifies the stimulus, leading to a larger response.

Parathyroid glands is a negative or positive feed back?

The parathyroid glands are involved in negative feedback regulation of blood calcium levels. When blood calcium levels are low, the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase calcium levels by stimulating calcium release from bones, absorption from the intestines, and reabsorption from the kidneys. Once calcium levels are restored, the release of PTH is inhibited, demonstrating negative feedback control.

When a system brings abnormal body variable levels back to normal Is Called?

This process is called negative feedback. There are only two that are positive: childbirth and blood clotting. Negative feedback keeps things in balance.

Which type of feeback is more common in the body?

Positive feedback loops are less common in the body compared to negative feedback loops. Negative feedback helps maintain homeostasis by reversing a change back to its set point, while positive feedback magnifies a change away from the set point. Examples of positive feedback in the body include childbirth and blood clotting.

Compare and contrast negative and positive feedback mechanisms and give some examples?

Negative feedback mechanisms work to maintain homeostasis by reversing a change in a system, while positive feedback mechanisms amplify and reinforce a change. An example of negative feedback is the regulation of body temperature – if body temperature rises, mechanisms kick in to lower it; whereas in positive feedback, childbirth contractions become stronger and more frequent to facilitate delivery.

Are positive feedback and negative feedback both components of homeostasis?

Yes, both positive and negative feedback are components of homeostasis. Negative feedback helps to maintain a stable internal environment by reversing any deviations from a set point, while positive feedback amplifies the response to a stimulus, often to achieve a specific outcome in the body. Both types of feedback work together to regulate physiological processes and maintain balance within the body.

When the body reacts to stop or work in the opposite direction of a stimulus is it known as negative feedback or positive feedback?

When the body reacts to stop or work in the opposite direction of a stimulus, it is known as negative feedback. Negative feedback mechanisms help maintain homeostasis by reducing the effects of a stimulus to keep things within a normal range.

What is the difference between positive feedback and negative feedback?

Positive feedback enhances or amplifies a process or response, leading to an increase in the initial stimulus, while negative feedback regulates or dampens a process, maintaining stability or homeostasis within a system. Positive feedback moves a system away from its original state, while negative feedback moves a system back towards its original state.

Are blood glucose levels regulated by positive feedback?

No, blood glucose concentration is regulated by negative feedback. When blood sugar levels are too high, the alpha particles in the pancreas' islets of Langerhans signal the pancreas to produce more insulin, which regulates the sugar level by stimulating the liver and other body cells to absorb more glucose at convert it into either glycogen or fat. This lowers the blood sugar concentration. If it were positive feedback, high blood sugar levels would encourage the production of more glucose to increase the blood sugar concentration.

Is respiration a negative feedback?

Yes, respiration is regulated by negative feedback mechanisms to maintain balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. When carbon dioxide levels increase, it triggers an increase in breathing rate to expel excess carbon dioxide and bring levels back to normal.