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Keep it for a decoration? I generally have in the past boiled them, then allow to dry in the sun. Then I paint them and they don't smell. You don't have to boil them if they are already dead though, boil if they are alive then that kills them so they can dry out properly.

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Q: Is boiling a starfish required to keep it?
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What are the starfish's habits?

just keep swimming

What prevents starfish from surviving on land?

A starfish can only live on the and for a very short time before they die. Starfish depend on saltwater to keep them alive and dry out and die when out of the water.

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Can you keep a starfish in a small container with out other fish?

If you wish to keep a starfish alive for any length of time you will need to set up a "Marine Aquarium" complete with properly prepared sea water , a protein skimmer, heater, filter, lights, ozoniser etc etc. The minimum sized tank you would need to keep a 3" starfish is around 10 gallons.

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Boiling milk over flows because, they're chemicals in the milk to keep it safe that react badly when boiling, and tend to overflow from the container it is in.

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The idiomatic meaning of keep the pot boiling means to to keep it going actively.

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Almost boiling

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Energy is required in the melting process because high is needed to melt something

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Is boiling of milk required?

depends where the milk comes from......... if u know what i mean ;)

What are 2 processes for which thermal energy is required during boiling?

convection and radiation

How do starfish help the environment?

Starfish help the environment in numerous ways. Namely, they keep the population of sea mollusks in check, and they keep their habitat free of barnacles and algae.