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Yes, it is a chemical reaction.

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Q: Is bread going brown in the toaster a chemical reaction?
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Why does bread go brown when you put it in a toaster?

Because the bread dries out as a result of the heat then starts burning.

You forgot to dry the bread knife when you washed it and reddish brown spots appeared on it is it physical or chemical?

Both, the reddish spots are rust and a chemical change. You will also find (after you have rubbed off the rust) that the surface of the knife is pitted. These pits are a physical changed caused by the chemical reaction.

Is burning toast in the toaster physical or chemical?

Yes, it is. The process by which heat changes the molecules of the bread from white and soft to brown and crispy is a chemical change. A chemical change does NOT mean you have to add chemicals. It just means the chemicals (molecules) in the substance changed their chemistry. So slicing bread is a physical change, but toasting it is a chemical change.

What is kitchen device for making bread hot and brown on the surface called?

A toaster u idiot

Why does bread brown?

Browning comes from a reaction of reducing sugars and amino acids called the Maillard Reaction.

How to Make Delicious Treats In Your Toaster?

Toasters are reliable kitchen appliances that you can use to create delicious foods. Toasters come in different variations. There are the common toasters that pop up breads from their slots, while there are sandwich toasters and toaster ovens as well. In any case, you can still create delicious foods out of these three different toasters. • Cinnamon Toast: You can lather butter on your bread and sprinkle cinnamon to it. Insert the bread inside the slot of the toaster and wait until the toaster pops out the bread. Sprinkle brown sugar on top of the bread and you can enjoy your toast as a breakfast treat or a snack. • Sandwich Toasters: You can try ham and cheese sandwiches in your sandwich toaster. All you need to do is put slices of ham and cheese between the bread, and place it inside the sandwich toaster until golden brown. You can even be adventurous and try spaghetti sandwiches cooked in your sandwich toaster. • If you want to expand the kind of foods that you can cook in a toaster, you can use big toaster ovens to create tarts, bagels, roasted spring chicken and open-faced sandwiches. If you want to cook bagels and open-faced sandwiches, all you need to do is put the desired toppings on your bread like cheese, ham, bacon, left-over chicken and spices, and place it inside your toaster oven. Wait until the bread turns golden brown before you take it out. If you also want to roast chicken in your toaster oven, all you need to do is put spices and condiments in your spring chicken, place it inside the toaster oven and wait until golden brown (just like what you usually do in big ovens). Toasters are not limited to bread. You can create scrumptious meals using toasters aside from toasted bread. Just have fun and be creative. The good thing about owning and using toasters to cook your food is that you know that the food that you have prepared is clean and nutritious.

What type of chemical change take place when a banana peel turn brown?

a chemical reaction

Cooking waffles has physical or chemical change?

because heat has been used and the waffle has changed color from light brown to dark brown

Why does sea salt turn brown?

Iodine is used to find starch. If no starch is present, a rusty brown color will appear. If starch is present like in bread and potato, the iodine when put on will turn blackish blue. That is known as a chemical reaction. Since there is no starch in water, the iodine in the water stays the same color as it started (brown). Hope that helps!! :)

When iron is left outside in the weather it turns reddish brown What is happening What type of reaction is this?

Rusting? Oxidation reaction? Chemical reaction

How does heat make a marshmallow brown?

This is WHY we call it toast. It is browned bread!! Toast goes brown because of the Maillard reaction. Quote from the Related Link: "The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, usually requiring heat."

What happens when you add iodine with water?

the colour becomes brown. there is no chemical reaction