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Defenitely.... breastfeeding is free. Formula can run you about $100 a month give or take some.

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Q: Is breastfeeding cheaper than formula
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What baby formula is best for newborns?

All formula is basically the same. Some are just cheaper than the other.

Is breastfeeding more nutritional for your newborn than bottle milk?

If by bottle milk you mean formula, then yes, breastfeeding is more nutritional. It packs on many different vitamins and essential nutrients for the baby that scientist have not been able to mimic completely.

What are the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding for the baby?

breastfed children have a higher IQ and tend to be leaner with less digestive problems than formula fed babies.

Does breastfeeding a baby make you hungrier than normal?

Yes; you are expending more calories than when you were pregnant (if your baby is exclusively breastfeeding)!

Why is breastfeeding better than formula because it leads to a lower incidence of what?

Breastfeeding is considered better than formula because it can lead to a lower incidence of infections, allergies, respiratory illnesses, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), as well as reducing the risk of obesity and chronic diseases in later life.

Is Mexican feeding ways for babies the same as American?

You mean breastfeeding them or giving them milk formula? Sure.

Has anybody gotten pregnant while breastfeeding without supplementing with formula or solids?

Sure. i know cuz i did

What is the trend in breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding has become more popular for newborn infants. Infant formula feeding became popular in the 1950's being advertised as clean sterile healthy way to feed babies compared to non-sterile nursing. Although manufacturers of infant baby formula say it is closer to breast milk than ever before, they keep on updating their formulations as they get more information.

Why is breastfeeding good for a baby?

Breastfeeding is said to be good for a baby because the milk is full of nutrients that formula doesn't offer. It is healthy and prevents a lot of sicknesses and diseases and breastmilk is made to be consumed by babies.

What is weaning a baby?

It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

What is weaning for a baby?

It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

How do you do if breast no milk in 7 month?

Then re-introduce breastfeeding again or ask doctor for a milk formula for your baby.