

Is bromine a gas liquid or solid at room temp?

Updated: 9/22/2022
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Q: Is bromine a gas liquid or solid at room temp?
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Is bromine a solid at room temperature?

No, It's a liquid. Its the only liguid halogen at room temp. ^^

Are all halogens gases at room temperature?

No, not all halogens are gases at room temperature. Fluorine and chlorine are gases at room temperature, bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid.

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Most metals are solid at 25 degrees Celsius. However, a few metals like mercury and gallium are liquid at this temperature.

What state of matter is bromine at room temp?

Bromine is a liquid at room temperature.

Are nonmetals a state of matter at room temp?

Nonmetals are a type of element, not a state of matter. Nonmetals can exist in different states of matter at room temperature, depending on the specific element. For example, oxygen is a nonmetal that exists as a gas at room temperature, while sulfur is a nonmetal that exists as a solid.

2 elements that are liquid at room temp?

Water and mercury are two elements that are liquid at room temperature.

What 2 elements are at liquid at room temp?

Mercury and Bromine

Which is the non metal which is a liquid at room temperature?

Bromine is a non-metal that is a liquid at room temperature. It is the only non-metal element that is typically found in liquid form at room temperature.

What elements is a liquid at room temperature?

Mercury and bromine are the only two elements liquid at room temperature.

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Saturated fatty acid liquid or solid room temp?

Vegetable oils are liquid at room temp, while animal fats are solid.

Is bromine a gas at room temp?

No, bromine is a liquid at room temperature. It has a boiling point of 58.8°C. Bromine is a halogen element that is known for its reddish-brown color and strong odor.