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Q: Is bromine a solid liquid or a gas when the arrangement of particles is clost togethor but random?
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Is a bromine a liquid a solid or a gas when the arrangement particles are close together but random?

liquid it can take the form of the containment

Is bromine a solid liquid or gas when the arrangement of particles is close together in a regular pattern?

Any substance with an arrangement of particles close together in a regular pattern is a SOLID. It is, infact, probably the best definition of a crystalline solid we have. The interesting thing is that this bromine must have been cooled a lot because bromine is normally a liquid at room temperature and pressure.

Is bromine a solid a liquid or a gas when the arrangement of particles is far apart and random?

Bromine is a liquid at room temperature. The description of particles is of atoms in a liquid.

What are the roles of particles in solid liquid and gas?

Arrangement of particles determind the phase

What are the arrangement of particles in a pancake?

the arrangement of particles in a pancake are that when you prepare the pancake with the ingredients it turns into a liquid and then when you cook it change into a solid

How is the arrangement of particles in a solid difference from the arrangement in a liquid?

In a liquid, the particles are free to move around; in a solid, they have a fixed position. In a solid, the particles may have a regular structure (i.e., a crystal), or the structure may be irregular.

Why do liquid bromine has smaller volume than gaseous bromine?

any matter is said to expand on heating. the particles are said to expand on heating the particles in liquid state of bromine are close to each other and vibrate in a fixed small position. but when heat is provided the particles start vibrating faster and faster and change into gaseous state and it expands

Liquid bromine placed in a gas jar for one hour will diffuse throughtout the jar. Explain what happens to the liquid bromine in terms of particles?

senior chemistry textbook? im on that question!

How does the arrangement and movement of particles change as a substance changes from a liquid to a gas and solid to a liquid?

From a liquid to a gas, the particles become more spread out and move slower. From a solid to a liquid, the particles also become more spread out and move slower.

What is the difference between bromine and liquid bromine?

Liquid bromine is the Real Bromine, while Bromine water is a mixture of Bromine and Water

How does the motion of the particles change when water changes from solid to a liquid to a gas?

water changing to a solid: freezing movement of particles: vibration in fixed positions. arrangement: fixed positions (bonds between every particle). moving closer together water as a liquid: movement of particles: move about (slide past each other) arrangement: close together with no regular arrangement water to gas: boiling movement of particles: free/random movement at high speeds. arrangement: particles move further apart with no bonds between particles.

How does the motion of the particles change when the changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas?

water changing to a solid: freezing movement of particles: vibration in fixed positions. arrangement: fixed positions (bonds between every particle). moving closer together water as a liquid: movement of particles: move about (slide past each other) arrangement: close together with no regular arrangement water to gas: boiling movement of particles: free/random movement at high speeds. arrangement: particles move further apart with no bonds between particles.