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not while you are fasting, but you can use a sewak- something that looks like a stick but it is not and comes in many types of flavors and you brush your teeth with it and it whitens your teeth. You just have to put it in water until it becomes soft and you brush your teeth with it. The Prophet p.b.u.h. used it.

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Q: Is brushing mouth during Ramadan permitted?
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How do you get a mouth ucler?

by not brushing your teeth thouroughly

What is is a mouth rite?

It is the Nacirema ritual of brushing your teeth.

Can you drink in the day when on Ramadan?

you can drink or eat anything during the fast even your saliva.Saliva that normally it is prodeuced in mouth its normal that can be swallowed but not when its pouted outside the body.

How do you get the smell out of your mouth after throwing up when brushing you teeth doesnt help?

mouth wash or breath mints

Why do you get a film in mouth after brushing?

When you get a film in your mouth after brushing your teeth, you may be allergic to the toothpaste. Tartar control toothpastes and mouthwashes are usually the culprit for this issue and when you stopping using it, the film should disappear.

I got one wisdom tooth pulled on Friday why does my mouth smell rotten?

If your mouth is sore and you haven't been brushing, that could be why. If you have been brushing, go immediately to your dentist, it could be an infection

How do you sanitize your mouth?

Brushing your teeth, gargling some mouthwash, and rinsing your mouth out with water mixed with salt are good ways to sanitize your mouth!

What are two ways can help remove plaque form your mouth?

Brushing and flossing

Can not brusing your teeth make them come out?

Not brushing your teeth can cause them to rot and fall out of your mouth.

Why does your breath smell worse after brushing?

If you already have an issue with bad breath, then after brushing it becomes more noticeable because brushing your teeth make your mouth dryer, and a dry mouth has worse breath.I usually either just chew some gum or drink something till it wears off. However, those are only temporary solutions; I'm pretty sure the only way to "fix" the bad breath after brushing, is to either find a special tooth paste, (I've heard they exist, but I haven't seen them personally,) or to just keep up with the brushing. Mouth wash might also help.

What is the quickest way without over brushing to cure tooth decay in pets?

Fornicate in their mouth.

What gets rid of that white film in your mouth after brushing?

the film is removed by .............................................................................................................................................................................. HOW WOULD I KNOW HAHAHAHAHA