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Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cell division at one particular site.

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Q: Is budding an act of sexual or asexual reproduction?
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What is asexual reproduction what is sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is basically the act of an organism making an exact copy of itself without the help of another organism, while sexual reproduction is the act of two organisms crossing their genetics to create offspring.

What is asexual reproduction versus sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is basically the act of an organism making an exact copy of itself without the help of another organism, while sexual reproduction is the act of two organisms crossing their genetics to create offspring.

What is the difference of sexual and asexual propagation?

Sexual reproduction requires two parties, whereas asexual reproduction requires only one. For example, reproduction among humans is not asexual, because there must be both a man and a woman involved. Bacterial reproduction however IS asexual because it reproduces by itself through binary fusion.

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This act is called pollination. It helps in sexual reproduction.

What cells act as the gametes in the conjugation of spirogyra or paramecium?

there is no gametes. that is why it cannot be considered sexual reproduction

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"Burgeoning" means "an act of budding or sprouting", or the action of budding or sprouting in general.

What does bi-asexual mean?

Well, bi means an attraction to both sexes (males and females), and asexual means not experiencing sexual attraction. So, bi-asexual would mean someone who only experiences aesthetic, mental, psychological, and what ever else attraction except sexual towards both males and females.If you'd like more information read up on asexuality at http:/ don't have to be void of all sexual attraction. I'm bi-asexual and I experience aesthetic, mental, psychological and personality attraction to both men and women but I can get sexually aroused, but it's rare. Bi-asexual just means that you can get sexually aroused but you have no desire to act upon it or need to act upon it.

What does bi asexual mean?

Well, bi means an attraction to both sexes (males and females), and asexual means not experiencing sexual attraction. So, bi-asexual would mean someone who only experiences aesthetic, mental, psychological, and what ever else attraction except sexual towards both males and females.If you'd like more information read up on asexuality at http:/ don't have to be void of all sexual attraction. I'm bi-asexual and I experience aesthetic, mental, psychological and personality attraction to both men and women but I can get sexually aroused, but it's rare. Bi-asexual just means that you can get sexually aroused but you have no desire to act upon it or need to act upon it.

Why is the evolution of sexual repoduction the most important steps in the evolution of eukaryotes?

The evolution of sexual reproduction allows for a much greater level of diversity than asexual reproduction because the genes of two individuals are mixing. Not only this, they are not mixing in the same combination every time, and all the processes like crossing over that are involved in sexual reproduction allow for a huge explosion in the diversification of eukaryotes. Also sexual reproduction is more open to error during its processes, allowing another factor that natural selction can act upon in addition to all the others. Answer For billions of years, prokaryotes evolved relatively slowly. With the evolution of nuclei, meiosis and sexual reproduction, life's evolution and species radiation exploded. This was because of meiotic prophase I's tendency to form chiasmata, mixing gene sequences. The gene sequences are already being mixed meiotically anyway, but the production of gametes, four haploid gametes from each diploid producer-cell. Anti-evolutionists pick on an argument for the impossibility of evolution actually occurring. Sexual reproduction and meiosis show clearly an actual impossibility of evolution not occurring. Sexual reproduction allowed for the explosive radiation of species. Protists, plant and animal species far outnumber bacterial species. All due to sexual reproduction and meiosis...........

How do sponge reproduce?

1.most sponges are hermaphroditic, having the ability to act as both males and females. when acting like a male, the sponge releases a substance called sperm n the water. when a sponge of the same species catches a the sperm, it will form the larvae witch will develop in the sponge after a while. when the larvae are ready, the sponge will release them into the water. that's one of the ways! love, science lover!

The act of two bacteria joining and exchanging DNA?

It is called bacterial conjugation, this is not sexual reproduction, since no exchange of gamete occurs.

What is sexual reprodution?

Sexual reproduction is the act of a male and female (animal or plant parts) coming together to conceive offspring of themselves. Sexual reproduction in animals involve a male mating with a female where his penis penetrates the vagina of the female in order to impregnate her with his sperm. The sperm fertilize the ovum within her uterus and through many cell replications, creates one or more offspring, depending on the species. Sexual reproduction in plants is similar to animals except plants are capable of self-pollination, where pollen from the male part of the plant can enter the female part of the plant to create a seed.