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Q: Is burning the American flag illegal in Colorado?
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Related questions

Is burning the American flag a crime?

Burning the flag is disrespectful, but not a crime.

Was the Colorado flag ever put on the moon?

No, only the American flag.

Is it unlawful to burn an American flag in a protest mode?

No~ The US Code says that it's illegal to burn the flag, but the United States Supreme Court has concluded several times that burning the flag is a protected form of speech.

Is it illegal to steal the American flag?

yes it is

What is the law against burning a flag?

Currently there is no law against burning the flag, since it part of the First Amendment of free speech. Although burning a flag is not illegal, certain actions that go along with this practice may be against the law.

What is it illegal to pawn in New York?

The American Flag.

What are the Democratic and Republican viewpoints on burning the American flag?

Both democrats and republicans agree that burning the American flag is very disrespectful.

What actions are taken for burning the flag?

If you want to burn an American flag you must get a permit from the government.

Is flag burning in the us illegal?

No it is not illegal. Several years ago the Supreme Court ruled that it was freedom of speech and that the 1st amendment protected someone if they burned the flag. It is a form of protest.

Why is the burning of the American flag wrong?

Actually according to the United States Flag Code: "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." So the burning of the flag is not always a bad thing In addition, many would counter the argument that burning an American flag in protest is wrong that in fact, it is NOT wrong, but rather is the ultimate expression of our cherished ideal of Freedom of Speech, which is what the flag (partially) stands for.

Is it illegal to fly the Confederate flag above the American flag?

It is not illegal, but it is against tradition and protocol and would not be proper. The United States flag flies on top, then beneath that the state flag, and then beneath that, the Confederate flag may be flown.

Is it illegal to burn an American flag made of nylon polyester or rayon?
