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It is actually a chemical change. The butter, sugar, water and cream are cooked, resulting in a chemical change. Toffee cannot be "uncooked" back into butter and sugar. Physical changes can be undone. Chemical changes, no.

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This action is a physical process.

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whats the answer smh my head

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Q: Is butter and sugar being made into toffee a physical change?
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Is butter and sugar being made in toffee a physically or chemical change?

The process of butter and sugar being made into toffee involves a chemical change. This is because during the cooking process, the sugar undergoes caramelization, which causes it to break down and create new compounds with different properties compared to the original sugar and butter.

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Butter can have a change of state because it can go from being a solid to a liquid if you melt it.

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are you saying if the butter turning into a liguid a physical change? if so then yes for example water turning from water vapor (gas) to a liquid or solid is a physical change a chemical change actually changes the molecular structure of a compound or molecule, such as burning the toast in a fire and the wheat and other stuff in the toast is being converted along with oxygen in a combustion reaction into water, carbon dioxide, and other stuff like ash

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When you ripped a shirt is it physical or a chemical change?

physical change plain and simple

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Because the butter goes from being a solid to a liquid as it changes temperature.

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It is a physical change. Being changed from wet to dry.

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no, its physical change :)

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