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Q: Is butterfly weed poisonous
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What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the poisonous plant Butterfly weed?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Asclepias tuberosa.

Witch part of a butterfly scorpionfish is poisonous?

The poisonous part of the butterfly is infact the legs

Are spurred butterfly peas poisonous?

No, they are not poisonous.

Is a red admiral butterfly poisonous?

The Red Admiral butterfly is not poisonous. It is popular in Europe, Asia, and North America. It is actually on of the friendliest type of butterfly

What eats a monarch butterfly?

nothing eats a monarch butterfly because it is poisonous.

Is a monarch a pest or a beneficial?

I would say no because it's caterpillar eats type of weed called milkweed it has a pousinis sap the queen butterfly has the same diet that's how they are poisonous.

Why are monarch butterflies poisonous?

because they eat milk weed a poisonous plant which makes them poisonous

Is the vicoroy butterfly poisonous?

no, it looks like a monarch but it is not poisonus. a monarch is poisonous.

Are butterfly's poisnous?

some are poisonous and some are not.

How does a morpho butterfly protects itself?

It makes itself look like a poisonous butterfly

What is a butterfly that flies south for the winter and lays eggs on milk weed?

monarch butterfly

What is poisonous to a Richmond Birdwing butterfly?

The Dutchman's pipe vine is poisonous to the Richmond Birdwing butterfly larvae. The butterfly lays its eggs on the vine, but when the larvae emerge and begin eating the vine, they are poisoned by the toxins.