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Q: Is butternut squash safe to eat if it has softened from a freeze in the garden?
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How do you use the word butternut in a sentence?

They grew butternut squash in their garden. The butternut tree had many butternuts on it. The butternut tasted very good.

Can you freeze butternut squash raw?

No! Butternut squash is a winter squash and because of that it is also a long storing squash that should be kept in a cool, dark, dry place. If you do choose to freeze it you will have to peel and cut the squash into cubes and roast it. When packaging squeeze air out of the bag and freeze.

What is butternut squash in french?

A butternut squash is officially a "courge musquée" or "courge butternut" in French.

Can you get acorn squash in Australia?

Acorn squash is not available in Australia. Butternut squash is found in Australia, but it is known there as butternut pumpkin.

How do you calm down the taste of nutmeg in butternut squash soup?

To calm down the nutmeg taste in butternut squash soup try adding sugar or more pureed butternut squash.

What color is butternut squash?

Butternut squash is a light brownish-orange color on the outside and orange on the inside.

What kind of squash do you use for pie?

butternut squash

Are yams and butter nut squash the same things?

No, yams are not the same as butternut squash. A yam is something like a sweet potato. A butternut squash is a gourd. Yams grow below ground, butternut squash grow above ground.

What is the difference between a yellow squash and butternut squash?

The yellow squash is a 'summer' squash and is perishable. Butternut is a 'winter' squash and can withstand unrefrigerated storage.

Can dogs eat butternut squash?

Butternut squash is one of the healthiest vegetables you can serve your dog. Nutritionally, butternut squash has more vitamin C and beta-carotene than any other winter squash. Of course, talk to your Vet to see if squash is right for your pet.

How much fiber in steamed butternut squash?

Butternut squash has about 3.2 grams of fiber per 100 gram serving.

Is butternut squash a vegetable?

Ya (: