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Q: Is cannibalism a common practice in africa?
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Which groups of people practice cannibalism?

Cannibalism has been practiced by various indigenous tribes in the past for ritualistic or cultural reasons. Some historical accounts also suggest instances of cannibalism in times of famine or war. Overall, cannibalism is now widely condemned and considered taboo across most cultures.

Did the anasazi practice human sacrifice daily?

There is much debate about this, but it is often hypothesized that cannibalism was brought from Mexico into the Anasazi territory, perhaps by religious cultists. Cannibalism was common in Mesoamerica, and some archaeologists believe that the Anasazi practiced ritual cannibalism and sacrificed their victims in a type of religious ceremony.

Do Mormons really practice cannibalism?

Wow, what a question. No, of course not. Mormons are very loving people.What an interesting question. Why don't you come over for dinner and we will talk about it.Another AnswerThere is a common mis-conception that Mormons were directly involved with the Donner Party, where they did practice Cannibalism. However, Mormons were not involve in that tragedy. However, Mormons helped out in the rescue and relief efforts.See below links for more information

Is cannibalism legal in Canada?

The simple thought that you do not have the common sense to KNOW that cannibalism is illegal horrifies me!

Why did the Karankawa people practice cannibalism?

yes they were but not as a daily food,but for rituals

Does the Maori Tribe still believe in cannibalism?

i hear Ethan chin is the witch doctor there and hes doing a good job!

What was the last state to practice cannibalism?

So far, it is the north eastern part of China.

What are canibals?

cannibals are people who act or practice eating human flesh or internal organs of human being's. A Person who practice cannibalism is called a cannibal

What is the most tribal country in Africa like they still go on with their olden cultures for example cannibalism?

Cannibalism was never practiced in Africa. Warring factions sometimes ate body parts of their foes, but that rarely occurred. Other tribal traditions are still practiced throughout Africa, except for the more urban areas.

What is the population number of people who practice cannibalism world wide?

99.9% I'm a cannibal well then you should know the answer what is it?

What is the word for a person who eats human flesh?

The term for a person who eats human flesh is a cannibal.

What are some side effects of cannibalism?

Cannibalism can look odd by human standards, but in fact it's widespread in the animal kingdom, and also amongst many human populations in the past, and survived till the20th century in some areas of Central Africa, South America, New Guinea and Vanuatu. Because many infections pass from victims to consumers, diseases linked to cannibalism should be very common, fact that does not happen. This could be due to the fact that cannibals usually feed alone. "Maybe this is why cannibalism is no longer common among people as it was in the past, because of the strong negative effects it can have when transmitting a disease. Cannibalism has some diseases with it's practice. Kuru is an incurable degenerative neurological disorder (brain disease) that is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found in humans. It looks like a cow with mad cow disease.