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Q: Is carbon dioxide a thermal conductor?
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Is Carbon Dioxide a conductor?

yes it is a conductor

What is the thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide?

Thermal conductivity of gaseous carbon dioxide: 14,65 mW/(m.K) at 1,013 bar and 0 °C.

What non metal is a thermal conductor?

Carbon and Sulfur are both elements that satisfy your query. There are several others, including many gases.

Does Thermal Energy produce Carbon Dioxide?

Not directly.

What Major gaseous pollutant for thermal power station?

Carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide

How can you test for carbon dioxide in thermal decomposition reaction?

bubble the gas through lime water. if it is carbon dioxide, it will turn cloudy.

What groups are responsible for creating carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is the product of organic materials (and carbon) burning or is released in the thermal decomposition of carbonates, fermentation etc.

Which gas is produced when a carbonate undergoes thermal decomposition?

Carbon Dioxide

What pure substance can be broken down by heat?

Carbon into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Is neon a good conductor of thermal energy?

Yes because when xophysis mixes with carbon dioxide makes xophysis oxide which then if you mix with oxygen makes grass and because grass is a type of neon yes

What are the products of thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate?

magnesium oxide, water and carbon dioxide

Is carbon good conductor of heat?

add. Diamond is an excellent conductor of heat - second only to graphene, and superior to silver. It is used as a thermal substrate for some semiconductor chips.have a crack at 'thermal conductivity' in wikipedia.