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Q: Is carbon fiber good conductor of heat?
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Are carbon and aluminium good conductors of heat?

Aluminium is a good conductor. Carbon, in the form (allotrope) of graphite is a good conductor but its other allotropes are not.

Are carbon good conductor of heat?

no its is only condutor of eletricity

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Carbon is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.

Why a diamond is a carbon but not heat conductor?

because it is a heat conductor!

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NO, it is not a good conductor of heat.

Is carbon a poor conductor of heat?


Is carbon conductive to heat?

1st AnswerIt is a poor conductor. That is why you can walk barefoot on hot coals, but not on equally hot iron. 2nd AnswerHow well carbon conducts heat is entirely dependent on the form of the carbon. Carbon, in the form of powdered charcoal, is a poor heat conductor. Diamond is an excellent conductor of heat, and is much better than copper, which is the best conductor among elemental metals. Interestingly, graphene, another form of carbon, is even better than diamond, and can conduct heat five to ten times as easily as copper.

Why diamond is a poor conductor of heat?

It's pure carbon. If molded glass or ceramic is a resistor , then diamond must be even more so, as it can withstand more heat and pressure than either one of those materials.

Is graphite a good conductor of heat?

Yes, graphite is a good conductor of heat .

Is water a good conductor of heat or bad?

Water is a good conductor of heat.