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Carbon is an element, and may be manufactured in a giant star which subsequently explodes as a Super Nova.

From this origin, the carbon is scattered as dust in the super nova explosion, and is part of that material accumulated to form our Solar System.

So you are made of the stuff of stars!

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Q: Is carbon separated from compounds or gotten some other way?
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What is another name for carbon compounds?

The other name for Carbon Compounds, is Organic Compounds.

What compounds make up carbon?

None. Carbon is an element. That means that you cannot break it down into any other matter. On the other hand, many compounds have carbon in them.

What are the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?

Basically, all organic compounds have carbon and organic chemistry is the study of carbon based comounds. Inorganic generally do not contain carbon (with exceptions being carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, metal carbonates, metal bicarbonates and metal carbides).

What are carbon compounds?

Carbon atoms have the ability to form strong links with four other atoms and hence can form a large variety of compounds. Methane, Ethane, Carbon Tetra-chloride and more are part of a large number of organic and inorganic compounds formed by carbon. Carbon compounds are those containing carbon.

Why are carbon based compounds lumped together as a separate subject within the study of chemistry?

Carbon-based compounds behave differently from compounds based on other elements.

How do inorganic and organic compounds difffer?

In general organic compounds / substances / materials contain carbon atoms bonded with other atoms and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds. Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).

What other compounds of nitrogen and oxygen are there?

carbon dioxide

What elements combine with carbon to make organic compounds?

carbon and any other atom

What indentifies an organic compound from other compounds?

The rule of thumb is organic compounds are carbon based.

What is the definition of compounds that contain carbon?

Compounds that contain carbon are organic compounds. However, they really consist of carbon and hydrogen, as well as other elements, depending on the classification. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are not organic, even though they contain carbon, because they do not also contain hydrogen.

Are the compounds oxygen and carbon bonded by ionic bonding or covalent bonding?

Oxygen and carbon combine with each other to form covalent compounds as in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonate ion, etc.

Which class of compounds forms the basics for naming most other carbon compounds?

You think probable to alkanes.