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Only as a diamond crystal.

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Leonora Medhurst

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

Carbon does not have a shiny luster. It typically appears as a dull black or gray color in its most common forms like graphite or charcoal. Diamond, another form of carbon, can have a shiny luster when cut and polished.

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Is carbon luster shiny or dull?

The carbon allotrope 'diamond' in its natural un-cut state is dull. however, when a jeweller cuts it , it becomes very shiny; a' girls best friend'. Other allotropes of carbon are graphite - dull, and buckminster fullerene ??? dull or shiny.

Is carbon luster?

Carbon itself does not exhibit luster as it is typically found in a dull, black solid form. However, certain forms of carbon, such as diamond, can exhibit a very high luster due to its ability to refract and reflect light.

What has a shiny luster?

Silicon is something that has a shiny luster even though it is naturally quite brittle. Other things with a shiny luster include mineral quartz, metallic hematite, and galena.

What do we mean by luster?

Luster describes how shiny or opaque a mineral is.

Luster is a characteristic of minerals that gives them a distinct appearance Which kind of luster gives minerals a shiny appearance?

A waxy luster gives minerals a shiny appearance.

What can be shiny or pearly?

What can be shiny or pearly is a minerals luster.

What is the luster of a crystal?

How shiny a rock or crystal is.

Metallic submetallic and nonmetallic are descriptions of a mineral's?

Luster. It describes how a mineral reflects light and can be used to distinguish different minerals based on their appearance. Minerals with a metallic luster appear shiny like metal, those with a submetallic luster are somewhat shiny, and those with a nonmetallic luster do not appear shiny.

Does nickel have a luster?

Yes, nickel has a luster. It is a silvery-white metal with a shiny appearance.