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Depending on where on the body you're performing cauterization, and during what procedure, it is frequently done under GA.

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Q: Is cauterization done under general anesthetic?
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Burning lips after general anesthetic can be caused by dry lips. Lip balm should help. If this is not the case, you need to see your physician because it could be an allergic reaction.

How do you cut the dewclaws?

This procedure should always be done by a licensed veterinarian. 3-4 day old pups can be given a local anesthetic, the vet will clip them off and typically put in a stitch. Older dogs will need to be put under general anesthesia.

When a human male has a vesectomy the operation involves?

Cutting and securing the vas deferens. It is a routine procedure that is often done in a doctor's office under local anesthetic.

Is it possible to conceive after tubal cauterization?

If the procedure is done correctly, no, you cannot get pregnant after tubal ligation, cauterization, & ligation. Ths means that your fallopian tubes have been cut, cauterized, and tied to prevent eggs from traveling from your ovaries to your uterus.