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Respiration is a catabolic reaction - it breaks down a complex molecule (glucose) and forms simpler molecules (carbon dioxide and water).

Respiration is neither a dehydration synthesis nor a hydrolysis because dehydration synthesis means formation of a molecule by removal of water molecule from two reactants . On the other hand hydrolysis involves addition of water molecule after breakage of water , nothing of these two happens in respiration .

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No. Hydrolysis deals with water, and cellular respiration doesn't involve water.

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I believe you may have misinterpreted a concept. You cannot convert energy into matter. However, if you meant "what process is glucose converted to energy?" then the answer would be glucose hydrolysis and the Krebs Cycle (for organisms involved in oxidative phosphorylation). It's a very beautiful process involving innumerable proteins and molecules =D.

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I think you are asking about the respiration reaction Glucose + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water C6H1206 + 6 O2 ---> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O (balanced equation)