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Just to clear this situation. Cellulitis is very common infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissues (skin and soft tissue) mainly caused by several types of bacteria. We all have bacteria on our skin , in throat an in nasal area. When skin broke (cuts,blisters, burns,...) particular types of bacteria can enter into our body and cause infection. This infection is in most cases treatable and we are back after 10-15 days of antibiotics. Cellulitis is not contagious.On the other side we may say that AIDS is the abbreviation for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The disease is caused by a virus known as the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. AIDS develops when HIV attacks and destroys certain types of cells that are part of the immune system. The immune system consists of all those cells, tissues, and substances that protect the body from infection by foreign bodies, such as bacteria. HIV can be transmitted by sexual contact or with blood.

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Q: Is cellulitis related to aids
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Impaired skin integrity related to inflammation.

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People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

What does the medical abbreviation ARC mean?

AIDS Related Complex

What is the scientific name for cellulitis?

Cellulitis is it. There are various skin diseases that cause cellulitis, such as infections of various etiology.

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the answer is aids btw ambers next to me im and we are in it XD

Can you be born cellulitis?

No, one can not be born having cellulitis. However, a baby can contract cellulitis several ways. One way a baby can catch cellulitis is by scratching their eyes.

When was AIDS identified as a disease?

AIDS was identified as a disease in 1982. For the history of AIDS, visit the Related Link.

Can your daughter catch cellulitis from you?

No, cellulitis is not contagious so your daughter cannot catch it if you have it. Cellulitis is an infection of the deep layers of skin.

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Is sun exposure good for cellulitis

What are 3 nursing diagnosis for cellulitis?

what are thre nursing diagnosis for cellulitis

Is cellulitis is an infection?

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that in turn causes inflammation.

What are the causes of orbital and periorbital cellulitis?

Orbital and periorbital cellulitis are usually caused by infection of the sinuses near the nose. Insect bites or injuries that break the skin cause about one-third of these cellulitis infections. Orbital and periorbital cellulitis may also occur.