

Is centar Roman or greek

Updated: 10/27/2022
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12y ago

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If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

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12y ago
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12y ago

If you mean "centaur" he/it was a composite creature from Greek mythology.

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