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Q: Is cfa a degree or certificate course?
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Is cfa a good degree ? Is it so hard ?

Is a cma certificate the same as a degree?

A certificate program does not meet the credit and course requirements of a degree. Thus, it is not the same as a college or university degree.

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A certificate typically does not meet the credit or course requirements of a degree.

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== == A bachelors degree in finance, and a cfa. can one still become a financial analyst with a bachelor's degree in sociology and/or psychology and a cfa? what also is the route to obtaining the cfa qualification? how different is the cfa from acca?

What is major difference between masters degree and masters certificate?

The certificate does not meet the course nor credit requirements of the master's degree.

What is a certificate degree and what types of certificate occupations are there?

A certificate is not a degree. It does not meet the course or credit requirements of a degree. Still, there are many types of certificate programs particular to specific areas, some of which are designed to supplement an already existing degree. I just depends on the type of certificate, its scope and purpose.

Is cfa course equivalent to ca course?

i have non commerce background and done Master's in social science.can i apply for CFA

Which degree is best CIMA or CFA?

The CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) qualification is designed to be the equivalent of the CFA degree (Chartered Financial Analyst).

How many years does a Certificate degree require?

It is either a certificate or degree program and not a certificate degree. Certificate programs do not meet the credit or course requirements of a degree, which can be an associate, bachelor's, master's. or doctorate degree. Each have credit and course requirements particular to themselves. Certificate programs are much shorter in length and very specific to a field of study, and many are typically designed to supplement and or enhance an already existing degree when taken through a college or university (but not always).

What is a Certificate Degree and what types of Certificates occupations are there?

A certificate is not a degree. It does not meet the course or credit requirements of a degree. Still, there are many types of certificate programs particular to specific areas, some of which are designed to supplement an already existing degree. I just depends on the type of certificate, its scope and purpose.

To move to a Financial Trader job is it better to do the ACI certificate-diploma or the SII certificate?

I was a trader and have neither. I do have a Masters degree in Finance. These are both UK centric with CFA being the US equivalent. My personal view is that University degree is the better conduit, although of little relevance when you actually get to the job.

Is CFA a good degree Is it so hard to complete it?

Yes, CFA is a really good degree. Just like the other types of degrees it need time and commitment.