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yes! because in Chapter 7 bankruptcy is considered a straight liquidation of unsecured debt. In simpler terms, this means that all unsecured debt is discharged. in short its a judgement for your term in credit card bills.

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Q: Is chapter 7 good for a judgments and old bills credit cards?
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Use Credit Cards to Lower Bills?

You can use credit cards to lower bills. Pay all bills as soon as they come in with your credit card. Accumulate the cash you would have paid for the bills and use it as soon as the new credit card bill comes in to pay it off. This can save you some interest on the bills, and possibly earn you some perk points on the credit cards because you are making more charges than you otherwise would be making. Just be sure to pay all the amounts you paid for bills on the credit card bill to avoid interest.

What kind of bankruptcy is it called when you only include credit cards?

Chapter 7. The credit cards would be unsecured debts.

Why do you have to have credit cards with balances on them to get a mortgage?

to show how repsonsible you are at paying your bills

Which parts of a credit history are most important for the calculation of credit score?

There are many aspects of your credit history that affect your credit score. 35% - Your Payment History - Credit cards, Telephone bills and other utility bills 30% - Amounts You Owe - Outstanding credit amounts in loans and credit cards 15% - Length of Your Credit History 10% - Types of Credit Used 10% - New Credit

Average pay for bills?

i am paying about 1300 a month. not including credit cards and gasoline

Is 755 a good credit score?

Yes, you probably pay your bills on time, have low balances on your cards and have long established credit

How do you pay for credit cards bills without going to the bank?

We may not know, but if you don't pay your bills you could be in prison and be taken to court.

How do you opt out of credit cards?

One can opt out of credit cards after paying their bills completely by cutting up the card, right through the chip, or by called the card company to cancel their services.

What are two ways to lower your credit score?

1. Max out your credit cards. 2. Pay your bills late. (Or stop paying them altogether.)

What sort of services can be accessed with bank cards?

Bank cards, or credit cards, are typically used to transfer cash between two parties. Consumers often carry credit cards, which is more convenient than carrying several bills on one's person.

If you have good credit history with some credit cards will they still show that on your credit report and that you paid on time after filing chapter 7?

It depend on the individual credit card companies if they report on your credit history or not, like some department store credit cards may not show on a credit report