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Chemical Digestion is where chemicals in the body are broken down to the point where they can be absorbed.

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Q: Is chemical digestion the process of breaking down food by changing it into a different substance?
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What do you call the process of changing of food into a simpler substance with the help of enzymes?

The process of changing food into a simpler substance is called COMBUSTION

What chemical speeds up the chemical breakdown of food?

A substance that speeds the changing of food into a usable form* is called an enzyme. More generally, in any chemical context, a substance that speeds a reaction without itself being changed is called a catalyst._______________________________________*This changing of food into a usable form is called "digestion".

What is involved in every chemical change?

One substance changing into a completley different substance. It cannot be reversed.

Is sugar changing to alcohol a physical or chemical change?

Anything changing to a substance with a different identity is undergoing a chemical change.

What kind of properties can be determined without changing a substance into a different substance?

physical: color, shape, texture, smell, ext.

What is the definition of chemical weathering in a science textbook?

The breaking down of large rocks into sediment, or smaller rocks, and changing the rock into another substance

What is the process of changing food to substances?

The process of changing food to substances that can be used by the body is known as digestion. In the average adult, the whole process of digestion takes about 50 hours.

A can only be determined by changing a substance?

Chemical properties can only be determined by changing a substance.

Can only be determined by changing a substance?

Chemical properties can only be determined by changing a substance.

Can only determined by changing a substance?

Chemical properties can only be determined by changing a substance.

Is State chemical or physical?

A physical state is physical and not chemical Physical Property is observed without changing a substance into another substance. Chemical property is the ability of a substance to change into different substance.

What is the chemical activity of substance?

the chemical activity of a substance is that when pink unicorns run across the sky they turn into frogs so there for they are changing int a different