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you will have to order it from a chemical supply catalog. It is legal, its used all the time as a solvent in analysis with NMR.

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Q: Is chloroform a legal substance and if so where can you purchase it?
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Where you can buy chloroform?

It is difficult, at best, to purchase chloroform as an individual. If you represent a school, university, or business/laboratory that legitimately uses this substance, you can shop at chemical supply sites such as Keep in mind, though, that since the government restricts the purchase of chloroform to insure that it is used only for legitimate purposes, it might be tough to you get your hands on it. Even if you do, the penalty for possession in a federal court is severe!

Is it legal to purchase alcohol for someone who has had their license pulled?

Yes, so long as they are of legal age to purchase alcohol.

Is chloroform soluble in chloroform?

Solubility is defined as the ability of an chemical substance(solute) to dissociate in inside another chemical substance (solvent) to form a homogeneous solution. Thus , the solute and the solvent must be 2 different chemical substances. In this case, both substances are similar. So by mixing them together, we cannot measure solubility.

What is the result if stearic acid added in chloroform?

Stearic acid is soluble in chloroform, so it would dissolve if added to chloroform.

Why use chloroform in DNA isolation?

DNA is soluble in chloroform more than water. So we use it.

What a sentence for chloroform?

The wounded Confederate soldier had to have his leg amputated, so the doctor gave him chloroform to put him to sleep.

How many elements is chloroform made up of?

Chloroform is known as trichloromethane. It has a formula of CHCl4. So, the elements are Carbon, Hydrogen and Chlorine.

Is Coumarin soluble in chloroform?

Most coumarins are not soluble in chloroform. In my research so far, I have synthesized several and NMRs must be taken in deuterated DMSO.

What happens to HCl in chloroform?

They are insoluble together. so there is not any reaction.

Why was there opposition to Chloroform?

Chloroform makes some serious damage to the nerves and can cause liver problem because it is metabolised by the liver, so consequently its metabolites are often toxic.

Does chloroplast contain chloroform?

i dont no im asking u not ur asking me !:s

What happens when silver nitrate reacts with chloroform?

they are not reacting. So nothing happeningwith it.