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I wouldn't say it is. It's more of a conclusion word for a paragraph or essay.

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Q: Is clearly a clue word for a generalization?
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Is the word are a clue word to a generalization?

yes the word are is a generalization

What is generalization?

*A generalization is a statement about several things or people *clue words to identify generalization * Valid generalization: fact support or prove and (true) generalization *clue words in a sentence to make a generalization: never,all,sometimes,most,always,none,everybody,everone,society,some,almost,only,empty *Faulty generalization: (not true) generalization (can not) be proven or supported with a fact.

Use generalization in a sentence?

The word "generalization" is the noun form of the word "generalize. " An example of a sentence using the word "generalization" is "Their theory is a broad generalization that doesn't always hold true. "

What is word clue?

A word clue is a hint or piece of information that helps to suggest or indicate a specific word or concept. It is often used in games like crossword puzzles or word search to guide players towards the correct answer.

What is information that supports a generalization and starts with 'ev'?

A word for information that supports a a generalization and starts with 'ev' is 'evidence'.

Which word is NOT a clue word for comparing and contrasting?

because is not the clue word

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What is Scottish word for black headed gull?

A Maw is a seagull. Have asked my father about a Black-Headed Gull but no clue. Will clearly have to keep asking around.

What is a sentence using the word generalization?

We used the method of generalization to know who had red hair and who didn't by first glance.

What word can signal that a generalization is being used?


Is clue anoun?

The word "clue" is a noun.