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Q: Is climate measurable and predictable
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Effects are predictable and measurable.

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predictable, calculable, estimative, computable, estimable, measurable, imaginable, countable

Why does rain sometimes come during dry seasons?

No climate system is entirely predictable.

What is the average predictability of a monsoon?

It used to be very predictable but recent climate changes have made it more difficult.

What are the most important measurable properties of weather and climate?

-Rainfall -Air Pressure -Temperature -Wind Speed

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His behavior is so predictable! That was a predictable response.

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Would climate conditions change over long periods of time because earth rotates in a predictable orbit around the sun?

the earth turn a different way every day so the climate can be hot or cold depending on were the sun is

Is the spelling measureable or measurable?

The correct spelling of the adjective, from measure, is measurable (weighable, quantifiable).

What is an example of work being done in scientific sense?

If a measurable Force moves a measurable MASS a measurable Distance, then a measurable amount of Work has been done.

Does climate change less rapidly than weather?

Yes. Climate is an overall average of the weather over a very long time. Weather can change in an instant, but because there are so many data points that are combined to determine climate, you need a lot of change before the dataset has any measurable difference.