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Coal because there is a limited amount of it and it takes hundreds of millions of years to form. Wood is abundant and can grow quickly. Water is everywhere and can be formed by a simple bond between water and oxygen. Topsoil, although it may take long time to renew, is a renewable resource because it will renew given enough time.

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14y ago

coal is a non-renenewable source as it will someday run out.. Water and wind are types of renewable sources as they are natural to the envoirnment and will never run out..

Sarah xD

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Q: Is coal a renewable or nonrenewable resourse?
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What is coal renewable or nonrenewable?


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It is a non-renewable resource. It is a metal that is mined from the earth and the worlds deposits of copper are limited.

Is coal a renewable resourse?

no it is not beacuse we use it alot and its hard to find.

Is coal a renewable or a nonrenewable resorce?

Coal is nonrenewable. Althrough its nonrenewable it can be used over millions of years.

Is coal a renewable source?

No, its nonrenewable.

Is coal a renewable resourceand why?

Coal is a nonrenewable resource. It is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form.

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\no soil is a renewable resource and coal is nonrenewable

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Is coal an renewable or a nonrenewable?

Coal is non-renewable. Once coal stocks are depleted - there will be no more ! The same goes for oil and gas !

Does Cuba have nonrenewable or renewable resources?

Yes, they have nonrenewable resources and they are coal,oil, and gas

Is coal renewable or nonrenewable?

umm..nonrenewable. that is only because there is a small amount. =D

Is coal nonrenewable renewable?

umm..nonrenewable. that is only because there is a small amount. =D