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Q: Is cocain cut with niacin
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How fast can niacin cleanse your system of cocain?

No, none of the B vitamins, nor any other vitamin, can make your liver work faster.

What happens if you sniff cocain that may have been cut with glass?

You can internally hemorrhage and die.

Is there aspirin in cocane?

Although it is not in it to begin with, cocain can be cut with a variety of things including aspirin.

What is the treatment for cocain?

There is no treatment for cocain

What will flush crack cocain out for urine detion test in one or two days?

Take a knife cut your throat

Is there generic drug for niaspan?

Niaspan is a long acting form of niacin. Doctors use this to prevent the flushing effect that you get from niacin. If this is too expensive, just tell your doctor you want to switch to the plain niacin. If you take an aspirin tablet 30 minutes before you take the niacin, you can cut down on the flushing effect.

When was Cocain Romance created?

Cocain Romance was created in 1934.

Is there a drug that will show up as cocain on a drug test besides cocain?

No drug other than cocain should show up as cocain. If you are afraid of it showing up on a urine screening then don't do it.

Does crack cocain leave a residue?

Does crack cocain leave a residue

What does cocain do to the brain?

It causes you to replace words like does & cocaine with "dose" and "cocain".

What about cocain will it flush cocain?

I don't think you can flush any drug from your system.

Can you test positive for cocain if you dont use it but drink behind someone that dose use cocain?
