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Since coconut oil is moisturizing, antimicrobial (a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms) antifungal and anti-inflammatory, it's a great natural remedy for a number of skin problems including acne, eczema and diaper rash! One of the best natural products you can use on your skin to help healing and restoring skin is coconut oil. Also makes an excellent massage oil.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Yes, coconut oil is good for the skin. It is natural, organic, and a great lotion for the colder months.

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14y ago

It should not unless the person in question is also allergic to Coconuts...then yes.

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Q: Does coconut oil cause a reaction in someone with peanut allergies?
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Someone with peanut allergy be allergic to coconut?

The coconut is not a botanical nut, it's a fruit, so I don't think you can have nut allergies towards it.

Are peanut allergies really on the rise?

Yes, peanut allergies are rising. Between 1997 to 2003, peanut allergies have doubled. As of this point, no one is sure why.

Are peanut and coconut allergies the same?

Well, they both are allergies. But a coconut is a type of nut. If your allergic to ALL nuts then yes peanut and coconut are the same If your allergic to certain type of nuts then they are sorta the same. If your allergic to coconuts, hen they are not the same.

What is the population of people with peanut allergies?

I researched this and found that about 2,583,035,000 people have peanut allergies in the world.

Why are you allergic to peanuts but not peanut butter or peanut oil?

My guess is because the peanut is altered and the allergy is less noticeable when it is in peanut butter or peanut oil. I do however believe you are still having an allergic reaction to the peanut butter or oil when you come into contact with it.

What methods are used in testing someone for a possible peanut allergy?

Peanut allergies are when the body has an overreaction to eating peanuts. To test for peanut allergies, the person would need to go to an allergist. The allergist may require a food diary be kept after an examination. A blood or skin test will also be done.

How many people die from peanut allergies a year?

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, as many as 1.5 million people suffer from a peanut allergy. Annually, about 100 people die from a reaction. (see Related Link below)

Is anyone allergic to peanut butter?

Yes, peanut allergies are fairly common in the US.

Why should you know about food allergies?

Some allergies can be severe enough to cause death. Peanut allergies are a prime example.

Where is the best place online to research peanut allergies? is probably the best place to research peanut allergies. it gives symptoms, treatments, recipes, foods, blogs, forums, and much more! its obviously very helpful to anyone who needs to know about peanut allergies.

What is a good title for a paper about why schools should be peanut free?

Cracking Down on Allergies: The Peanut Problem!

How many kids die from peanut butter every year?

About 125 people die from peanut allergies.