

Is codominance recessive or dominant

Updated: 9/19/2023
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8y ago

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Codominance is not the same as recessive or dominant. If two alleles are codominant, both traits are expressed in the phenotype (i.e. they both show in the organism). For instance, if a cow inherits genes for both red (R) and white(W) hairs, it will have the genotype RW, and some of its hairs will be red and some white, giving it a coat called roan.

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Q: Is codominance recessive or dominant
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What is it when an allele is neither dominant nor recessive?

this is called codominance when alleles are neither dominant or recessive.

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Alleles are neither dominant nor recessive?


What is the opposite of codominance?

The opposite of codominance would be ordinary dominance (the expression of a dominant gene over a recessive one).

How is codominance difference from dominant and recessive relationship?

Codominance is when 2 dominate genes appear in the phenotype of an organism. (some one else can tell you what dominate and recessive genes are)

What controls the traits of alleles that are neither dominant nor recessive?

this is called codominance

How can alleles be?

Alleles can either be recessive or dominant. Dominant alleles produce a dominant trait which is normally seen, whereas although the recessive allele is present, the recessive trait is not normally visible. However, in cases of codominance and complete dominance the dominant trait does not completely hide the recessive trait and it can show through.

What is the allele which is overuled?

The two types of alleles are dominant and recessive. The recessive allele will still be present but the recessive trait is not usually seen. However, is not always overruled. In the cases of codominance and incomplete dominance, the recessive trait still shows through some of the dominant one.

How does a dominant form of an allele affect the expressions of a recessive form of an allele?

If you have a heterozygous (one dominant and one recessive) individual, it will only express the dominant allele in complete dominance; if it's codominance then some sort of "combined property" resulting from both the dominant and recessive allele would be expressed. On the other hand if you have a homozygous (both dominant or both recessive) you needn't bother.

Gene pairs consists of two dominant alleles or two recessive alleles?

A gene pair that consists of a dominant allele and a recessive allele is called a heterozygous gene. A homozygous gene, meanwhile, is a gene pair consisting of two dominant alleles or two recessive alleles.

Can a recessive gene be hidden from a dominant?

The dominant gene will always "cover up" the recessive gene, although there are instances of codominance, in which both phenotypes will be displayed, because one gene is not completely dominant over the other. There is also what is called 'incomplete dominance', when the actual phenotype is somewhere between the two.

Is it true that in co dominance neither of the alleles is dominant or recessive?

True - in codominance neither allele is dominant or recessive. Codominance results in both alleles being expressed in the phenotype (characteristics of the organism). For example, if R is red and W is white - a flower with the genotype RW would have white petals with red patches (or something similar).