

Is college a good decision

Updated: 10/10/2023
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13y ago

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There is not enough room here for a complete answer to this kind of question, however let me say this. The more education you have, the more doors that will be open to you. Which door you choose may have an affect on the "return on investment"(ROI). Basically it will depend on the field, your qualifications, your energy, your creativity, how well you can sell your ideas, etc. A degree may open a door, however after that it is up to you. There is no guarantee for a positive ROI. Much of it may also depend on an individuals attitude. While some individuals in a specific field succeed at producing a positive ROI, others fail to do so even within the same field. Sometimes it's just knowledge and perseverance. In other words, what does it take to discourage you?

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13y ago

Yes- it is a very good investment if you make the most of the opportunity. If you go to college and goof off, it may be a total waste of money or a poor investment depending on how badly you mess up. Personally, I think a lower-priced state university is the best investment for undergraduate work because it gives the most return for the money. There are rewards for going to an expensive private college such as meeting people with rich and influential parents, but I think such rewards are usually not worth the cost.

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13y ago

It depends, but I would think that yes, almost always it is worth it. A college degree usually offers you more employment opportunities, and also the experiences and knowledge gained during a college experience is valuable in other ways such as personal growth, deciding on a career, the opportunity to meet a variety of people, exposure to diversity of personalities, races, beliefs, etc.

YES it is because education is the best legacy

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13y ago

Yes, by going to college you can get better jobs, and better pay for those jobs.

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