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Valium and Flexeril should not be combined. Other drugs may be taken together if your psychiatrist and cardiologist think that they can be taken together.

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Q: Is combining Zoloft metoprolol benazepril Valium flexeril and seroquel bad?
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What are the effects of combining Seroquel and cigars?

I'd imagine it to be similar to combining Seroquel wth cigarettes. It should be fine. If you start feeling weird or light-headed though, just put the cigar out and finish it some other time.

What are the side effects of combining Seroquel and marijuana?

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What are the effects of combining Wellbutrin with seroquel?

Yes you can. I take 400 mg seroquel and 300 mg bupropion daily and I feel fine. However, both medications lower the threshold for seizures. When you take them together, this means that the chance that you will have an epileptic seizure will be bigger. Be careful with alcohol.

Can you take seroquel and risperdal together?

If a doctor prescribes you both, yes. If not, consult your doctor before taking both

Will flexeril or seroquel show on a 9 panel drug screen?

It will test positive for benzodiazepines, as it is chemically related.

What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.

What does seroquel show up as in your system?


How long does it take for seroquel to begin working?

regular seroquel is about an hour and seroquel xr takes about 4hrs

If you have stopped taking seroquel 7months will have seroquel in your system?

No you will not.

What medicine can you substitute for seroquel?

200 mg of seroquel is the same as taking 4 xanax

Is seroquel used in illegal ways?

is seroquel used in the black market

Is there another name for the medicine Seroquel?

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