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It is a physical change as the identity of the substance remains the same.

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2d ago

Condensation of water vapor is a physical change because it does not involve a chemical reaction. It is the process of gas turning into liquid without any change in the chemical composition of the substance.

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11y ago

Physical change. Just because the liquid water becomes a vapor does not mean the waters chemistry has changed. It is still the same water, just in a different form.

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12y ago

A physical change; no new material is formed.

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Q: Is condensation of water vapour is chemical change or a physical change?
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Why is condensation of water vapor is a chemical change?

It's not !... It's a physical change. Chemically - whether water is frozen into ice, is liquid as water or a vapour (steam) - it's still the same substance.

Is condensing a physical change?

Condensation may be physical or chemical depending on the context. Condensation is a physical change when it refers to the condensation of vapour on being cooled. In chemistry there are condensation reactions where two molecules react to form one larger molecule and these reactions are chemical changes.

The Change from a liquid to vapor is called?

The change of liquid the vapour state is known as EVAPORATION.It is a physical change ,because no ne substance is formed.It is only a change of state and the liquid can be recovered by Condensation of the vapour.

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they turn from gas to liquid

To condense is a physical or chemical change?

Condensing is a physical change. It involves the change of state of a substance from a gas to a liquid by removing heat energy. The chemical composition of the substance remains the same during condensation.

Is rain evaporation physical or chemical?

Physical change from liquid to vapour. The water remains chemically the same whether liquid or vapour.

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Is black crystals of iodine turning into purple vapour of iodine a physical change or a chemical change?

The transformation of black crystals of iodine into purple vapor of iodine is a physical change. This is because the change does not involve a change in the chemical composition of iodine; it only involves a change in the physical state from solid to gas.

Example of physical change and a chemical change?

when water changes to water vapour by heating is an example of physical change. when water is divided into oxygen and hydrogen by passing electricity is an example of chemical change.

Purple iodine vapor appears when solid iodine is warmed is that chemical or physical change?

Purple vapour appearing = physical

Is smashing a pumpkin a physical or chemical change and why?

Smashing a pumpkin is a physical change because the pumpkin is being broken down into smaller pieces without altering its chemical composition. The bonds between the pumpkin's molecules remain the same, even though the shape of the pumpkin changes.

Is steam a chemical raection?

No, steam is not a chemical reaction. Steam is the gaseous form of water when it reaches a high enough temperature to evaporate. It is a physical change, not a chemical one.