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Condensation can be a physical process whereby a vapour becomes a liquid e.g. the 'steam' (water vapour) from your shower condenses on the bathroom window and runs down as water to form a puddle on the windowsill. Warm air can hold more water than cold air - the warm, vapour-laden air is cooled as it comes in contact with the colder glass and can hold less vapour so the surplus appears as water on the glass. In chemistry there are 'condensation reactions'

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That's a physical change.

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Q: To condense is a physical or chemical change?
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Is condense e a physical change or chemical change?

Condensation is a physical change, as no new substances are being formed. It is only water changing from gas form to liquid form.

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Dry ice doesn't "turn into smoke". Dry ice causes moisture in the air to condense, forming fog. This is a purely physical, not chemical, change.

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It depends on what is boiling. If you are boiling WATER, then it is NOT a chemical change, it is a physical change (change of state from liquid to gas). If you are cooking food on the stove, a chemical change is occuring. That is, the chemical bonds within the food molecules are actually changing. One way you can tell that it is a chemical change is that you can't "uncook" food, but you can condense steam back into water.

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When oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water there is a chemical change, not a physical change. That may be followed by a physical change, depending on the conditions when the chemical change occurs. You may, for example begin with water vapor and, if the temperature is low enough, it will condense (a physical change) to liquid water.

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Chemical broooooooooooooooo niga

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Is it a chemical change when 2 liquids form a solid?

No because water condense on the side of a cold glass and then evaporate again. Further answer Really, if a gas becomes a liquid it's a physical change because the gas has changed its phase from gas to liquid. It's not related to water particularly.