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No, dogs eat meat, they are carnivores.

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Q: Is cooked chopped meat bad for dogs?
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Is caribou meat bad for dogs?

NO - I feed my dogs and cats meat all the time - they are CARNIVORES

What in hot dogs can go bad?

The meat.

Is it bad to eat meat in the summer?

It is only bad to eat meat that isn't fully cooked. It doesn't matter what time of year it is.

Why must ground meat be cooked to a higher temperature than whole cut meats?

The reason ground meat must be cooked to a higher temperature than whole cuts of meat is because ground meat is because ground meat is handled more than whole cuts of meat. More handling means that there is more opportunity for bacteria to get into the meat.

What are the bad sides of eating meat?

You might get sick if it isn't cooked properly. Aside from that, there isn't a lot.

Why should meat be chopped up on a different board from vegetables?

Raw meat has harmful bacteria in it. When eaten raw it can make us ill. So when chopping vegetables on the same board as meat they can contaminate each other. If cooking the vegetable straight after, its not so bad. And the reverse is true. If you cut raw veggies on a board then use the same board for cooked meat, any bacteria that were on the raw veggies can contaminate the cooked meat which might not go through any more kill steps Don't forget that many outbreaks are the result of eating raw vegetables that were contaminated - but not from cross-contamination in the kitchen.

Can dogs eat cooked meat?

Dogs are carnivores. They really need meat in their diets. It's probably the healthiest for them to eat it.yes but not more then 2 cups for a meal nomatter what size your dog is. it is realy bad for them to eat a bone though!

Can cooked meat go bad if left out of the refrigerator?

No. Supposedly modern refrigerators can handle hot food without allowing other food to go bad. Personally, I'd allow it to cool so that the meat is not steaming hot, which should take no longer than 30 minutes. Then refrigerate it.

How do they know if meat is contaminated?

Besides the obvious of worms coming out, the best way to know if meat is contaminated, is by making sure how long and high the meat was cooked. If it is cooked below 140 degrees it's bad over 140 is ok. Ps: question for my viewers, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Can dogs eat dog bones?

Yes, but only raw bones. Cooked bones will splinter and choke them. Raw beef legs with most of the meat cut off are perfect. Better yet, get the dog a Nylabone! dogs love them and they never "go bad", attract bugs, make a mess, splinter, or stink like a real bone does!

Is custard bad for dogs?

* Chocolate * Grapes * Raisins * Onions * Tomatoes * Caffeinated beverages * Garlic * Macadamia nuts * Cooked bones (chicken, turkey, pork, beef) * Walnuts

What meat is bad for dogs?

Yes, porterhouse steak bones are harmful to dogs. The sharp points can puncture the dogs mouth, throat, and esophagus of the dog when swallowed. Raw marrow can be toxic to the dog's system as well.