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No. My boyfriend is in counseling.

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Q: Is corparal punishment more effective than counselling?
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What is more effective capitol punishment or jail?

Capital punishment (when enacted swiftly) is much more effective at deterring crime (there are many studies on this). Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), more prisoners on death row die of old age every year than from lethal injection. Thus, it probably has little effect.

How do you know if counseling is effective?

One thing to look for to know if your counselling is making a difference is to look at the subject whom you are counselling and see if there are any obvious changes in their behaviour/ condition etc... Please make sure that these changes are for the BETTER and not the WORST, if they were for the worst your counselling is not effective. Some clues to look for are the subjects mood, whether they are happy, or different in any way at all. Another good clue to look for is how they communicate with you, whether it may be openly and they seem happy to talk to you about their issues, or whether they are shy and need to open more to you.

Why is that punishment is more effective than deterance?

Certainty has a greater impact on deterrence than severity of punishment. ... Research underscores the more significant role that certainty plays in deterrence than severity — it is the certainty of being caught that deters a person from committing crime, not the fear of being punished or the severity of the punishment.

What is Career Counselling?

Career Counselling is the process through which one can understand one’s own self and the world around him/her to be able to chalk out a career path by making an informed decision around the same. There are several career counselling companies that shoulder the responsibility.

Slogan given by Gandhi ji?

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. - Mahatma Gandhi

How do you spell councel?

The correct US spelling is "counseling" (advising). *Counselling is acceptable.The UK spelling (Canada, Australia) is more usually "counselling" with two Ls.

What is the point of The Punisher?

1. It is immediate. The child can see the result of what he did and the relationship between the wrongdoing and the punishment. 2. Other punishments can be even more psychologically damaging or humiliating 3. It is effective and easily remembered by the child. It is uncomplicated. Children can understand physical punishment easily. 4. Children cannot always understand punishment which is removed from the time or the scene of what they did wrong.

What is counselling date for CG PET your rank in cg pet is 893?

Notice was released by Directorate of Technical Education (CGDTE Raipur) on Jan 6, 2010. counselling is online now. more info

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more effective, most effective

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It will be more effective with the more people you follow.

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