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Yes the can eat that

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Q: Is couliflower included in a guinea pigs food diet?
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What is the main food of Guinea pigs?

A typical guinea pig diet consists of a variety of vegetables and a specially formulated pellet mix.

Is milk a nonvegeterian food?

Generally, milk is included in a vegetarian diet, so milk is not a non-vegetarian food. A strict vegetarian diet is usually called a "vegan" diet and it does not included milk or any food derived from animals, like eggs. Milk is a very important part of the diet of vegetarians in India.

What is the ideal guinea pig diet?

I feed my guinea pigs normal guinea pig food from the pet store, but for a little variety i give them letups, carrots and apples for a treat.

What food is included in a healthy diet?

The foods that are included in a healthy diet is fruit, vegetables, whole grain, wheat, rice, baked and broiled chicken, potatos, beans, water, and oatmeal.

What was the Incas diet?

they would eat goat,rat,fish,alpacas,and guinea pigs were raised then killed for food

Will rabbit food hurt a guinea pig?

It could, guine apigs are creatures of habits and even the smallest changes can stress them out, try slowly adding the new food to the piggies diet.

What was the Kshatriya food diet?

The Kshatriyas are a Hindu caste. Their food diet includes meats with the exception of beef. They also eat the typical Indian diet that includes rice and many vegetables.

What types of food are included in the raw food diet?

In a raw food diet you can eat foods that aren't cooked, like fruits and vegetables. You want to avoid kidney, fava, and soy beans as they may be unsafe when not cooked.

How do you get a guinea pig on a diet?

Never put your guinea pig on a diet, simply just cut down there food intake and make sure they have lots ofexercise,butdon'tdrasticlycut down there food intake simply just dont put in as many carrots, but never cut out there veggy intake, hay intake and nugget intake.

What types of food are included on the Atkins diet menu?

meats veggies and cheeses are the main foods in the Atkins diet. there are some types of pizza you can eat on the diet, but you must be careful on that type of food because you are trying to lower carbohydrate intake.

Can you feed a guinea pig chinchila food?

No, get guinea pig food for guinea pigs.

How does guinea pigs catch their food?

Guinea pigs are herbivores. Their food doesn't need catching because it is mostly stationary. Their diet consists of grass and other green stuff, seeds and some roots. In captivity, they require a balanced diet of cereals, fresh leaves and vegetables like carrot, cabbage and lettuce and a certain amount of fruit.