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Q: Is cramps heartburn and nausea a sign of pregnancy 2 weeks after my period was due?
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Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

Im getting pregnancy symptoms like nausea and period cramps when I dont get a period and I had this before but have implanon Is it possible?

Yes, take a test

Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and strong emotions symptoms of pregnancy?

They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you're experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period. Well heartburn is definatley a symptom of pregnancy. As you do not get heartburn from stress! Actually all those symptoms are a symptom of pregnancy.

What are the signs of having your period or the signs of pregnancy?

Period: Cramps Headaches Nausea Diarrohea Tired Emotional and moody Pregnancy: Missed period Headaches Dizziness Feeling sick and actually being sick Exhausted Positive pregnancy test Emotional and moody Needing to pee more

What are the most common signs of very early pregnancy?

Common pregnancy symptoms are: Nausea, breast tenderness, tiredness, adominal cramps, needing to pee frequently, bloatedness, and missed period. Etc. I'm not sure baout uncommon pregnancy symptoms so i can't help you with that.

Is a period without cramps a sign of pregnancy?


Ive missed my period and im getting a lot of nausea i get cramps and i started to get them around the time of my period but I never got it. Any clue what's going on?

ever thought of something call pregnancy??

What if you miss your period but have period like cramps?

Make sure you are not pregnant, especially if you are having any nausea or breast tenderness. You should probably check with your doctor.

What are the main symptoms of pregnancy?

The main symptoms aremissed period,nausea with or without vomiting,tiredness,dizziness,breast changes and breast tenderness, andfrequent urination.The main symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, dizziness, heartburn, missed period, strange food cravings, bloated stomach, mild cramping, gassy, sore breasts and having light implantation bleeding.

Are period cramps different from pregnancy cramps?

The uterus is a muscle. It's the contraction of this muscle that causes both menstrual cramps and birth cramps. You can have uterine cramping at the time you would have had your first period after conception. If you have spotting after this time for your first period tell your doctor soon. It's normal to have cramps during pregnancy. They're likely to be from other causes -- stomach cramps, constipation, etc. You may want to mention them to your doctor at your next regular visit. ============================== I am 4 weeks pregnant and my cramps feel very similar to period cramps. However, the seem to be just slightly higher and a little more dull. They are also paired with nausea and breast tenderness.

Are vaginal cramps like yoru period is coming an early sign of pregnancy?

Abdominal cramps can indicate pregnancy, Ovulation, approaching period & UTI. Vaginal cramps is most likely caused by a yeast infection.

Do symptoms of pregnancy include nausea and vomiting and pre-cramps with flutters as well as a distaste of foods?

They very well could be, but you'll have to wait until after you miss your period to take a test.