

Is cresol soluble in water

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Is cresol soluble in water
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Soluble in what? It is very slightly soluble in in boiling water, soluble in m-cresol and phenol, and is degraded by acids.

How do you we prepare cresol with soap solution?

cresol is prepared with soap solution as it is more soluble in the soap solution than water . moreover soap solution enhances its detergent and disinfectant properties.

Is nylon hydrophobic?

It is too massive to dissolve. The energetic stability gained (exothermic) in hydrogen bonding with the water is no compensation for the energy needed in breaking the intermolecular forces between nylon molecules themselves (both H-bonding and van der Waals) and between water themselves (H-bonding).

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Dichloromethane is the solvent. Do not inhale!

What is the IUPAC name of cresol?

o Cresol 2-methyl phenol m Cresol 3-methyl phenol p- Cresol 4- methyl phenol

What pH is Cresol?

All three isomers are very weak acids, pKa values varying from 10.26 (o- and p-cresol) to 10.09 (for m-cresol). This means that 1.00 M (standard) solutions in water have pH values of 5.13 to 5.05 (at 25oC).

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Water soluble.

How are fat soluble and water soluble absorbed?

fat soluble vitamins are stored in our fat tissues and water soluble vitamins are soluble in water.

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Partially soluble in water, Soluble in hot water.

Is folate water soluble or fat soluble?

Water soluble.

How do you dispose formo cresol?

How do I dispose fo small, expired quantities of formo cresol

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No, it is not water soluble.