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Q: Is culling bottle-nose dolphins illegal in japan?
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Related questions

What are the bottlenose dolphins species survival status?

well killer whales are least concern but before japan killed dolphins soo now their survival status is common but WWF is working on it with the help of captivity in aquariums their common soon they will be least concern but their fine dont worry and in some places its illegal to kill dolphins!!

Are there dolphins in Japan?

Yes, there are dolphins ~ go to ""

Is it illegal to laugh in Japan?

No, it is not illegal to laugh in Japan.

How many dolphins is in japan?

There probably isn't an actual known number of dolphins in Japan since dolphins tend to roam through different seas.

Is Japan a major city?

no , Japan is a major country located in the Asia pacific japan was know as ja-pan due to a empire who was known for its loyalty and culling of its unfaithful population

Who eats or harms dolphins?

There are industries in Japan and the Faro Islands that kill dolphins for food.

What ocean zone are dolphins located in?

Dolphins can be found in a lot of oceans... sadly even japan

What countries abuse dolphins?

Japan, Malaysia, Denmark, Australia, and The Faroe Islands all abuse dolphins.

Does any other country kill dolphins other than Japan?

The Solomon Islands and the Faroe Islands still hunt dolphins on a much smaller scales than Japan.

Do dolphins have Mercury poisoning?

yes they do thy have mercury poisoning that's why japan is still thinkingabout eating the dolphins

Are products made in Japan still marked made in Japan?

Yes. Boycott Japan until they stop slaughtering dolphins shamelessly.

How many dolphins are killed each year in the Cove in Japan?

An estimated 23 thousand dolphins and porpoises are slaughtered each year.