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It is an Adverb. The giveaway is the syllable -ly at the end. Remove it, and you get dangerous - the adjective. Not all adverbs end in -ly, but most do.

The test is, can you put it in a sentence with a noun, or does that sound wrong?

So (dog is a noun)

The angry dog was dangerous.


The angry dog was dangerously.

Which one sounds better? If it goes with a noun, it's an adjective.

If it goes with a verb, it's an adverb.

So (waved is a verb)

He waved the gun dangerous.


He waved the gun dangerously.

Which one works?

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9y ago

Dangerous is an adjective. Dangerously is the adverb form.

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Q: Is dangerous an adverb or adjective?
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Is the word dangerous an adverb?

Nope, It is an Adjective.

Is danger an adjective adverb or noun?

danger is a noun because an adjective describes a something of someone. if it were dangerous it would be an adjective. does this sentence make sense "it looks danger," No beacause you can't describe some think with danger.

Is dangerously an adverb?

No, it's an adjective. "That man is dangerous." (describes the noun, man) The adjective form is dangerously (in a dangerous manner).

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Dark can be an adjective or a noun. Darkly is an adverb.

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Adverb.Here is an adverb, not an adjective.

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An adverb describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

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Yes, "especially" can function as both an adverb and an adjective. As an adverb, it modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence. As an adjective, it describes a noun.

What part of speech is danger?

Danger is a noun. Other words that come from danger are dangerous, which is an adjective, and dangerously, which is an adverb.