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Q: Is decomposition an open system
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What is system decomposition and subsystem interdependency?

what is system decomposition and sub system interdependence how they are related

What is decomposition in the system analysis?

means decompose the while analysing the system

What material is capable of such rapid decomposition?

how rapid of decomposition are we talking? what kind of decomposition? what is causing it? the answer to your question is "any", because there are too many variables left open and therefore infiinite possibilities.

Is the decomposition reaction of calcium carbonate in an open container reversible or irreversible?

The decomposition of calcium carbonate in an open container is irreversible, because one of the decomposition products, carbon dioxide, is a gas, and since the container is open, this gas will mix with the natural atmosphere and never develop sufficient local partial pressure to reverse the reaction.

What does decay decomposition?

Decomposition is the breaking down of living organisms. It is a natural occurance of the organisms rotting. If it were not for decomposition the world would be covered in trash. FOR RDBMS There are five aggregate system functions they are viz. Sum, Min, Max, Avg, Count. They all have their own purpose Decomposition: Selecting all data without any grouping and aggregate functions is called Decomposition. The data is selected, as it is present in the table.

Where is decomposition in the forest?

rotting Or decomposition

Is a burning candle an example of an open system or a closed system?

The light bulb is a closed system: no mass transfer.

What is a breakdown of substances into simpler molecules called?


Is a cup with a hot liquid inside an open system or a closed system?

The system is open.

What are the system decomposition and integration design guidelines?

Nothing is permanent, and understanding the decomposition of different types of systems (cable, plumbing, etc.) is vital to understand. There are guidelines put into place for the design to be integrated into its permanent location.

What is decomposition in database management system?

We can explain the given information using smaller amount of dats's by using decomposition. also, we can get separate details.

What is it when a compound breaks apart into separate substance?

It's called Decomposition. For example, 2KClO3 --> 2KCl + 3O2