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Q: Is deltoid an extensors or flexor?
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What muscle is the most important extensors of forearm?

flexor carpi radialis

What three muscles flex the wrist?

carpal,flexors extensors * Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus

Most flexor muscles are located on the aspect of the body most extensors are located An exception to this generalization is the extensor-flexor musculature of the?

anterior, posterior and knee

What muscle is the antagonist during extension of forearm?

The flexor carpi radialis is the agonist muscle in wrist flexion. This muscle, know as a wrist flexor, is located in the forearm.

What pair of muscles work as you move your hand?

Depends HOW you are moving your hand, but most likely wrist flexor and extensors

Where has injury of the spinal cord occurred if a person has feeling from the deltoid and biceps brachii region but no feeling from the wrist extensors?


What are the differences between flexors and extensors?

There are flexors and extensors in the forearm and they control the movements of the hand and wrist. If you hold your hand out (with the palm down), the flexors allow your hand to bend downward. The extensors allow your hand to bend upward.

What type of movement does the contraction of a flexor muscle?

Any flexor muscle decreases the angle of a joint. When you flex your biceps brachii, the distance between your forearm and arm becomes closer together. When you use your extensors on the same joint, your arm will straighten.

What is the prime mover the synergist and the antagonist for a pull up?

synergists: trapezius, teres major and minor, flexors, biceps brachiiantagonists: deltoid, extensors, triceps brachii

Are abs a flexor?

Yes, the abdominal muscles, for the most part are considered as flexors. They oppose the muscles in the back which are extensors. Working together the abs and back muscles keep the spine in proper alignment.

What are the common parts of muscular system?

The common parts of the muscular system are the fibers, which are striated, the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. There are also flexor muscles and extensors muscles, which aid in movement.

What are extensors?

Extensor muscles open a joint and are the opposite to flexor muscles, which close it. I imagine triceps are extensor, while biceps are flexor.