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Your answer will be physical property.It can also be physical change when you're telling the density of an object. And the reason why is "density" is... physical is just those kind of stuff...

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12y ago
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13y ago

Though density is physical, it is not a change: it is a property that can be changed, eg. by increasing the temperature (expanding) or pressure (compression) change. These changes in density are purely physical.

(One has to be very accurate in putting questions and answering, hope it'll help)

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10y ago

1. The density may be changed during a physical process: the density of liquid water is not equal to the density of water vapour.

2. In a chemical reaction the densities of reactants differ from the densities of products: new molecules were formed.

2. But density is not a change; it is a physical property.

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1w ago

Density is a physical property of a substance that remains constant regardless of the amount of the substance present. It does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the substance.

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14y ago

physical change

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11y ago

Density is a physical property.

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Is density in chemical or physical change?

Density is a physical property.

Is density chemical change or physical change?

It is a physical change.Density is not a chemical property. Instead, it is a physical property.

Is a change in density a chemical change?

Density is a physical property.

Is the density of iron a physical or chemical change?

Density is a physical property (not -'change'). It is a socalled intensive physical property of matter.

Is buoyancy a physical or chemical change?

Buoyancy is a physical change, not a chemical change. It results from the relationship between an object's density and the density of the fluid it is placed in, causing the object to either float or sink.

Is density a physical change or chemical?

A change in density may accompany a Physical change. When liquid water becomes solid water, the solid water FLOATS; (is less dense) on top of its liquid form.Density itself is a physical property, not a change.

Why is dencity a physical change?

Density is classified as a physical property because the density of a substance can change when the substance changes state. Example: When water evaporates it is a physical change and the density changes. A chemical property is a property that describes its ability to react chemically with other substances and THEREFORE density is not a chemical property.

Is it physical or chemical change when dough becomes bread?

Physical. This is so because it is not a change in energy, but a change in density, or mass.

Zinc has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 2.5 and a density of 7.13 at 25 is it physical or chemical change?

The hardness and density of zinc are physical properties, as they do not involve any change in the chemical composition of the substance. Changes in physical properties can be observed without altering the chemical identity of the material.

Is an object that floats a chemical change?

no, it is due to density, a physical property

What is it example of physical property?

A chemical change such as density, color , hardness

Is flotation a physical change or chemical change?

Flotation is a physical change. It involves changing the density or buoyancy of an object in a liquid to make it float or sink. There is no chemical reaction taking place during flotation.