

Is diamond a compound or a substance?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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It's an elemental compound

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Q: Is diamond a compound or a substance?
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Is diamond C an element or compound or homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?

Pure substance; it is one form of pure carbon.

Is a diamond classified as a compound?

A diamond is not a compound; it is formed from carbon. Even though there are trace amounts of other minerals in diamonds -- such as nitrogen, which gives diamonds a yellow case -- diamond is not a compound, because the trace minerals cannot be separated out. (According to Wikipedia: "A chemical compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements that can be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions.")

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If you have a silvery substance on the back surface of your diamond, it is not a diamond.

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Yes, a compound is a single substance.

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A compound is a pure substance.

What substance is equal in hardness to a diamond?

No natural substance is equal in hardness to a diamond.

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CH4 is the formula for methane meaning it is a compound substance.

Is diamond compound mixture or elements?

Diamond is a particular elemental compound composed of carbon.

What substance can cut a diamond?

Another diamond.

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Is diamond(carbon) an element compound or mixture?

Diamond is a particular elemental compound composed of carbon.