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Q: Is digesting food a reversible reaction?
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Is digesting a banana a chemical reaction or is a reversible change?

Digesting a banana is a chemical reaction, an ireversible change.

Is digesting a banana a reversible change?

No it is not a reversible change.

Is digesting a banana a chemical reaction or is it a reversible change?

Digestion involve chemical reactions, it is a chemical and mechanical process and is irreversible.

Can you have a reaction to food without digesting it?

Definitely yes.

What chemical reaction that can proceed forward or backward is a?

You think probable to a reversible reaction.

Is anabolic reaction reversible?

An anabolic reaction is considered reversible.

What wold digesting food be more of a chemical change or a physical change?

Chemical Reaction

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Reversible Reaction

Is digesting a banana chemical change or reversible change?

It's chemical change

Is making crisps from cooking oil and potatoes a reversible change or chemical reaction?

Most cooking processes are chemical reactions. Generally, the reactions are non reversible and once cooked, food cannot be returned to an uncooked state. So, frying potatoes causes a non reversible chemical reaction. The question is not as precise as it might be. Changes can be physical or chemical. They can also be reversible or non reversible but it is important to note that many chemical changes are reversible just as many physical changes are reversible.

A reaction in which products can react to re-form reactants is?

A chemical reaction in which the products re-form the original reactants is called a reversible reaction.

Is the reaction reversible?

chemical reactions are irreversible but physical changes are reversible