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Yes also known as the fight or flight division, when ones sympathetic NS is stimulated the eyes dilate to see more peripherally

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Q: Is dilation of the pupil a function of the sympathetic division?
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With Horner's Syndrome does the horner's eye respond abnormally in a typical dilation eye exam?

Horner's is a malfunctioning of the sympathetic innervation to the pupil. Depending on what drug is used to dilate the pupil, and where the malfunction is, it could do.

What is mydriasis?

dilation of the pupil.

What is sympathetic stimulation?

Sympathetic stimulations are signals to the body that imply stress. Sympathetic stimulation stimulates the sympathetic part of the peripheral nervous system and results in multiple response such as increased cardiac output, dilation of the pupil, inhibition of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bladder, and erection of the penis.

What structure is the visible colored part of the eye that controls pupil dilation?

The visible, colored part of the eye that controls pupil dilation is the iris.

What symptoms might the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system produce in a patient experiencing stress?

Activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system during stress can lead to symptoms such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, pupil dilation, dilated airways, increased sweating, and decreased digestion. These physiological responses help prepare the body for the "fight or flight" response to perceived threats.

5 signs that the sympathetic nervous system are activated in short term?

Ø Pupil dilation Ø perspiration production Ø hair standing on end Ø increased blood pressure Ø shaking

How does the synaptic nervous system affect the iris?

The iris is not innervated directly, however the iris sphincter muscle is affected by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Sympathetic stimulation causes pupil dilation while parasympathetic nervous system causes pupil constriction. The parasympathetic response is quicker because of the proximity of a parasympathetic ganglion (ciliary ganglion) to the eye. The sympathetic response is slower because all sympathetic ganglia are confined to the spinal cord. This is the reason why people adjust faster to a bright shining light than darkness.

What muscles are responsible for pupil construction and dilation?

circular muscles

What is the function of epinephrine and nor epinephrine?

Think of these as the 'fight or flight' stimulants.They increase heart rate, heart volume and contraction force.Blood flow to the limbs is increased.Blood flow to the digestive organs is reduced.Broncho dilation, pupil dilation... there are many and varied effects across the body.

Is the dilation of pupils considered a?

In most other circumstances, pupil dilation from medications or drugs is considered a side effect.

Does exercise affect reaction time?

Yes because of pupil dilation

Does methadone and xanax taken as prescribed cause pupil dilation?

yes it does